myGovID is now myID. It has a new name and look - but you can continue to use it the same way. Find out more.

How to use myID

Use your myID to prove who you are when accessing government online services.

Once you’ve set up your myID, you can use it to access government online services without verifying your ID each time or remembering passwords for each service.

Generally, to access an online service using your myID:

  1. Go to the login page of the service you want to access.
  2. Select Continue with Digital Identity.
  3. Select myID as your identity provider.
  4. Enter your myID email address, then select Get code.
    • Tip: select Remember me to login faster when using the same device and browser in future. 
  5. A 4-digit code will appear on the login screen.
  6. Log into your myID app using your 10-character password, fingerprint or face. 
    • Tip: to login faster, enable face or fingerprint recognition in your myID app.
  7. Enter or accept the 4-digit code in your myID app.
  8. Go back to your browser to consent to sharing the information outlined on screen. Only a small amount of your information is passed to the service you want to access. Usually this is limited to your name, date of birth and contact details.

Most services that use myID are part of the wider Australian Government Digital ID System.

myID is not the only way to access government services. You can contact the relevant government agency to find out what other options are available. 

If you need more support to access or use:

myID is only used to access selected online services. You can’t use your myID in person as a form of ID, as you might use a driver’s licence.